Among recent developments, I would like to mention that, as recognition of th...


Among recent developments, I would like to mention that, as recognition of the particular needs of women and with a view to ensuring a life free of violence, in December 2008 we adopted law No. 1257 of 2008. That law sets out standards of awareness, prevention and punishment for forms of violence and discrimination against women. It extends the concept of violence against women to any act or omission that causes death, injury or physical, sexual, psychological, economic or patrimonial injury because of gender, as well as threats of such acts, coercion or arbitrary deprivation of liberty, whether in the public or private spheres. In addition, under decree No. 164, of 25 January 2010, the national Government set up the Inter-Agency Group to Eradicate Violence against Women, a body that will facilitate comprehensive, targeted, accessible and quality care to women who are victims of violence and will act as a forum to coordinate and organize the various entities engaged in that task.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Conflict Prevention
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence