I am pleased to say that Croatia has taken steps to integrate the gender perspective into the national security policy through its National Strategy for the Promotion of Gender Equality as and is currently developing its National Action Plan on the implementation of the resolution 1325, which is expected to be adopted by 2011. Under the leadership of its fIrst female Prime Minister, Her Excellency Ms Jadranka Kosar, Croatia will continue to give its firm support to all areas of the women, peace and security agenda. We see it as a "gender-based peace agenda", which involves addressing the disproportionate effect of conflict on women and combating sexual violence. It is also abollt securing a full, equal and effective participation of women at all stages of the peace process, giving them an equal role in the prevention and resolution of conflicts, as well as in peace-building. The realization of these goals is a basis for safeguarding basic human rights and achieving human security and lasting peace.