Despite all the efforts exerted by the United Nations, including the Security...


Despite all the efforts exerted by the United Nations, including the Security Council, civilians around the world are still suffering in massive numbers. The measures adopted so far have proved to fall short of addressing the wider implications of attacks against civilians, their impact on international peace and security and their humanitarian impacts. The SecretaryS/ General's report (S/2010/579) prepared on this topic and submitted pursuant to resolution 1894 (2009) also highlights ongoing and emerging concerns regarding the state of the protection of civilians, such as the proliferation and fragmentation of non-State armed groups, the displacement of civilians within and across borders, the continued violence and hardship that women and children face during conflict and the continued existence of a culture of impunity.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform
Displacement and Humanitarian Response