The issue of the protection of civilians in armed conflict has been address...


The issue of the protection of civilians in armed conflict has been addressed in this Chamber for over 10 years, and we have seen the subject evolve and develop in that time. In this respect, we believe that resolution 1894 (2009) and last year's presidential statement (S/PRST/2009/1) to be of great value. These debates are a useful opportunity to carry out a critical reflection leading to a more analytical and profound assessment of the progress made to date. To that end, it is important that we be guided by the five core challenges identified by the Secretary-General in his 2009 report (S/2009/277), which clearly remain valid, as reflected in the latest report. They are enhancing compliance by parties to conflict with international law; enhancing compliance with the law by non-State armed groups; enhancing protection 10-64740 15 through more effective and better resourced peacekeeping and other relevant missions; enhancing humanitarian access; and enhancing accountability for violations of the law. In the same vein, we must take as a basis the aide-memoire annexed to last year's presidential statement.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Human Rights
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform