The protection of peaceful populations is a high-priority task for the Govern...


The protection of peaceful populations is a high-priority task for the Governments of States involved in conflict. All parties to armed conflicts bear the responsibility for ensuring the security of civilians. The actions of the international community should be aimed at assisting national efforts in that area. Taking appropriate measures, particularly those involving the use of force, is possible only with the approval of the Security Council and in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations. Moreover, it is important to take into account the economic, social, historical, religious, cultural and other specifics of countries and regions, as well as the nature of each conflict, its underlying causes and the possibilities for settlement. There is no doubt of the need for the Security Council to draw up clear and realistic mandates for the protection of civilians, taking into account the financial and logistical resources at the disposal of United Nations peacekeeping operations, as well as the leadership in this area, on the basis of consultations with Member States.

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