"The second aspect is the Council's action. Indeed, a Council that is be...


"The second aspect is the Council's action. Indeed, a Council that is better informed is also in a better position to take action. With sufficient information, the Council will be able to take, in a timely manner, further steps to influence parties to conflict to comply with international law and to make specific commitments regarding the prevention of sexual violence or the investigation of alleged abuses. However, if these measures do not restrain the perpetration of sexual violence, the Council needs to follow-up on resolution 1888 (2009). In this regard, Portugal welcomes the decision of the Council to use information available in the reports of the SecretaryGeneral as a basis for a more focused United Nations engagement with those responsible for such acts. This should be understood as sending a clear message to perpetrators of sexual violence that the Council is ready to apply sanctions to perpetrators who have been identified or who are credibly suspected of committing sexual violence in situations of armed conflict on its agenda."

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Human Rights