The European Union commends the work conducted within the United Nations in recent years to foster and strengthen a common understanding of protection of civilians in armed conflicts. The joint efforts in the United Nations have, in addition to increasing the understanding of the concept of the protection of civilians, also resulted in the establishment of a platform for action. The landmark resolution 1894 (2009) provides a solid basis, and recent developments in this regard include the presidential statement and updated aide-memoire of November last year (S/PRST/2010/25), the adoption of resolution 1960 (2010) on sexual violence in conflict, and the development of a stronger framework for the protection of civilians by peacekeepers. The European Union strongly welcomes these developments. Indeed, what is important is to make full and coherent use of this platform in order to make a difference on the ground. The informal expert group on protection of civilians has an important role to play in this regard.