We also appreciate that, for the first time, the report lists parties that are
credibly suspected of committing or being responsible for patterns of rape and
other forms of sexual violence in situations of armed conflict, as per the
Security Council agenda. Japan strongly condemns the parties listed and calls
on them to make specific, time-bound commitments to ceasing acts of sexual
violence and bringing perpetrators to justice. If they fail to do so, the Security
Council must respond with appropriate measures, including targeted measures, to
hold those parties accountable.
In that regard, we commend the fact that the Committee established
pursuant to resolution 1533 (2004) concerning the Democratic Republic of the Congo
decided last December to add Ntabo Ntaberi Cheka, a militia leader responsible
for mass rape, to the sanctions list. We are also encouraged to hear that earlier
this month the Guinean court filed charges against Lieutenant Colonel Moussa
Tiegboro Camara for the mass rape committed in Conakry in 2009.