It is essential that every process aimed at security sector reform include a ...


It is essential that every process aimed at security sector reform include a focus on sexual violence, as well as the broader security needs of women and girls. Training and capacity-building of national security actors should aim at a real shift in attitudes from a conflict management posture to the provision of security for citizens and communities, placing the person in the centre. When assessing security in the aftermath of a conflict, indicators such as women's movement between villages and children's school attendance should be used alongside the more traditional ones. Proper vetting procedures should be used to exclude perpetrators of sexual violence or other human rights violations from all branches of the security services. More women should be recruited and trained to serve in the security sector, including in leading positions. Specialized units for the reporting of sexual and gender-based violence should be set up, and the security sector should be placed under democratic control and supplied with accountability mechanisms, including accountability to local communities.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Conflict Prevention
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence