Rape is a tool of war. It is an act of aggression and a crime against humanit...


Rape is a tool of war. It is an act of aggression and a crime against humanity. It is inflicted intentionally to destroy the woman, the family and the community. It ruins lives and fuels conflict. The Charter of the United Nations is clear; the Security Council has the primary responsibility for the maintenance of international peace and security. Rape as a weapon of war is an assault on security, and a world in which these crimes happen is one in which there is not and never will be peace. Addressing war-zone sexual violence is therefore the Council's responsibility, as well as the duty of the Governments and countries afflicted by it. In fact, the truth is that in many conflict situations there is no Government to take responsibility, so there is no protection and no accountability. When Governments cannot act, the Security Council must step in and provide leadership and assistance. For those crimes happen not because they are inherent to war, but because the global climate allows it.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence