The role of international criminal courts and tribunals, in particular the In...


The role of international criminal courts and tribunals, in particular the International Criminal Court (ICC), remains crucial to the establishment of the rule of law, especially in cases where States are unable or unwilling to pursue accountability for serious crimes. Moreover, the contribution of international criminal justice, including the ICC, to the field of gender discrimination and crimes of sexual violence has been and will continue to be momentous. As stressed by ICC Prosecutor Bensouda in a panel on international criminal justice at a strategic forum held last month in Bled, Slovenia, the ICC should also be seen as an investment in the future of women and humankind as a whole. To that end, Slovenia will continue to firmly support the International Criminal Court and international instruments regarding individual criminal responsibility, and calls on States to accede to or ratify the Rome Statute and its amendments.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform