As stated on many occasions, Spain devotes particular efforts to promoting a ...


As stated on many occasions, Spain devotes particular efforts to promoting a gender perspective in conflict situations and has had a plan of action on women, peace and security since 2007. Within that framework, our country carries out various actions within the scope of its foreign policy, cooperation and defence activities in order to guarantee the correct implementation of resolution 1325 (2000). In particular, I would like to refer to the International Seminar on Gender Perspective and Peace Operations, coordinated by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Defence of Spain and the Netherlands. The sixth edition of that seminar will take place next November in The Hague. The seminar includes a specific module on the role of women in the disarmament, demobilization and reintegration processes, as well as on the processes regarding security sector reform. Spanish cooperation plays a leading role in that regard through the plan on gender-sensitive peacebuilding, with a chapter dedicated to gender-sensitive transitional justice and the rule of law. Furthermore, the Office for Humanitarian Action of the Spanish Agency for International Aid for Development has elaborated a guide to address sexual violence in humanitarian interventions.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Reconstruction and Peacebuilding
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform