I would like to highlight the importance of the issue before us — sexua...


I would like to highlight the importance of the issue before us — sexual violence — which particularly affects women in conflict situations and is an issue that gravely affects human rights. In that respect, this debate should directly involve the General Assembly. It is also necessary to stress the importance of combating the root causes of war and conflict, namely, the influence of the arms trade and violent actions by the powerful. The current world conflict scenario has become even more complicated due to economic dynamics. Countries in crisis view the arms trade and war as ways to strengthen their economy. But truly nothing will undermine human rights and women's rights more than strengthening the economy through the arms industry. The total world military expenditure in 2013 was $1.747 billion. The 15 countries with the highest military expenditure together represent four-fifths of all military spending in the world.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence