"Education, particularly for girls, is the 'superhighway' to ending poverty. Poverty, discrimination and the use of force often prevent girls from getting the education they are entitled to. Sexual violence, abductions and deadly attacks are the most despicable ways in which girls' right to education is being violated. I condemn the abductions of schoolgirls by Boko Haram in the strongest possible terms.
"In the face of terrorists threatening to deprive children of their right to education we should be inspired by Malala. Malala brought to light the plight of the millions of children around the world who are denied an education. If one schoolgirl can take on the Taliban, then, surely, the world community can defeat extremism and terrorism.
"President, terrorists and extremists are trying to stop us from educating children. Peace is vital for achieving universal primary education. The same can be said for the other MDGs, not least the goal on reducing poverty. This is why we must focus on conflict affected countries. A girl child growing up in Syria today cannot look forward to going to school, because there is no school to go to. A pregnant teenage girl in South Sudan will not get the maternal health services she needs since it is too risky for health workers to travel."