Acknowledging the progress made and the challenges remaining in security sect...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 

Acknowledging the progress made and the challenges remaining in security sector reform and governance, welcoming the continued commitment of international partners, including NATO and the European Union, to helping the ANSF and the Afghan security sector, welcoming support and assistance extended to the Afghan National Police by the NATO Training Mission in Afghanistan, the European Union police mission (EUPOL Afghanistan), and the European Gendarmerie Force (EGF) and, in the context of transition, welcoming the increased capacities and capabilities of the ANSF, stressing the need for Afghanistan together with international donors to further strengthen the Afghan National Army and the Afghan National Police, urging, inter alia, continued professional training measures to ensure Afghan capability to assume, in a sustainable manner, increasing responsibilities and leadership of security operations and maintaining public order, law enforcement, the security of Afghanistan's borders, the preservation of the constitutional rights of Afghan citizens, and the protection of the rights of Afghan women and girls as well as to increase its efforts in disbandment of illegal armed groups and counter narcotics, as outlined most recently in the Chicago Summit Joint Declaration and the Tokyo Declaration,