Live From Palestine: International and Palestinian Direct Action Against the Israeli Occupation

Friday, August 1, 2003
Nancy Stohlman and Laureann Aladin
Western Asia

Foreigners are flocking to Palestinc, but not for Holy Land pilgrimages or beach vacations. This book tells two stories that have become intertwined inthe Middle East: the Palestinians who, tired of waiting for U.N. peacekeepers, have called upon the world's activists for protection, and the people who are putting their lives on the line answering that call. Together these Americans, Palestinians, lsraelis, and Europeans are making a non-violent, grassroots attcmpt to challenge the lsraeli occuption of the West Bank and Gaza. The core of this collection lies in the riveting eyewitness accounts of life under the Occupation.

From the Chrch of the Nativity in Bethlehem to refugee camps under siege, these accounts give incontrovertible evidence of the terror generated by the lsraeli army. Giving context to these stories is an interview with the founder of the Palestinian-led International Solidarity Movement, which brings" internationals" to lsrrel and the Occupied Terriotories, and essays by other human rights activists such as prominent Palestinians Hanan Ashrawi and Edward Said. While Bush's "war on terrorism" continues to be hampered by the unresolved Palestinian ques for statehood, almost 100,000 activists converged upon Washington in April,2002 to demonstrate against militarism and for global economic justice, with a particular focus on Plaestine. In the only book capturing the new international movement to end the Occupation, these harrowing and poignant stories create a portrait of diverse people making unprecedented efforts for peace.

To read the book, please click here.