Women and Children First: On the Frontline of War in the Kivus

Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Oxfam International
Central Africa
Congo (Kinshasa)

Oxfam and 12 partner NGOs interviewed 816 people in 24 communities in North and South Kivu between 12 and 21 April 2010 on their security and protection in a context of ongoing military offensives. This was Oxfam's fourth such protection assessment in the Kivus since 2007, and focused specifically on areas affected by the military operations. The survey offers not a representative dataset but a snapshot of people's own experiences. This briefing summarises some of the key findings. Focus group discussions and individual interviews were held with 341 men, 333 women, 72 boys and 70 girls. Details of localities are withheld to protect the anonymity of respondents.

Document PDF: 

Oxfam International, Women and Boys on the Frontline, 2010