PSC Open Session on Women and Children in Armed Conflicts

Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Femmes Africa Solidarite

This report, submitted to the African Union (AU) Peace and Security Council (PSC) on the status of Women and Children in Armed Conflict, is intended to contribute to the AU efforts in addressing the issues of the vulnerable groups as well as mainstreaming gender in the areas of conflict prevention, peace-making, peace support operations and intervention, peace-building and post-conflict reconstruction as related to women and children in armed conflicts.

This contribution by Femmes Africa Solidarite (FAS) supports the Civil Society Organizations‟ involvement through the AU PSC Livingston Formula. FAS reiterates thanks to the African Union and its Member States, the UN agencies and the international community for their support to its activities.

At the 14th AU Summit held from 31st January to 2nd February 2010, the Assembly of the African Union endorsed the principles and objectives of the Year of Peace and Security, as proposed by the Chairperson of the Commission, including a special focus on the theme "Women, Youth and Peace". Emphasizing the fact that women and young people are prominent among the victims of armed conflict, this Year of Peace and Security in Africa would bring into sharp focus the wider human security dimensions in the architecture of peace and security. Indeed, conflicts in Africa cannot be dissociated from the challenges of reducing poverty and promoting health, development and education, especially in post-conflict situations.

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Women Children Armed Conflict, Femmes Africa Solidarite, March 30 2010