This research draws on more than 50 interviews conducted from November 2009 to May 2010, including fieldwork in Kabul, Afghanistan, in April and May 2010. Interviews were conducted with Afghan women leaders, parliamentarians, activists, school
principals, nongovernmental organization staff, and health workers. We also interviewed senior Afghan women in the police force and army, including government officials, foreign diplomats, United Nations officials, a senior International Security Assistance Force official, analysts, and former Taliban figureheads. We also spoke to senior State Department officials, NGO workers, and PRT commanders and staff in the United States. Some interviewees requested anonymity or to have their names changed, and this is reflected in the text with an asterisk. This report was made possible by the collective efforts of many people. We are very grateful to
Lia van Broekhoven, Paul van den Berg, Dewi Suralaga, and other staff at the Dutch development agency Cordaid for their encouragement and support. We are especially indebted to Dr. Rohullah Amin and the Cordaid staff in Kabul for facilitating the fieldwork trip. We benefitted greatly from the support of the University of Notre Dame's Kroc Institute for International Peace Studies, especially Executive Director Hal Culbertson, Communications Director Joan Fallon, and research assistants Vanya Cucumanova and Lucia Tiscornia. We are particularly grateful to our primary research associates, Eliot Fackler and Takhmina Shokirova. We also appreciate the support of the Fourth Freedom Forum and its Director of Operations, Linda Gerber-Stellingwerf. We received editing assistance from Celeste Kennel-Shank. Design was provided by AgencyND.