EGYPT: What the Women Say, Egypt's Fitful Revolution

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Western Asia

With Mohammad Morsi's inauguration as President of Egypt in June 2012, many Egyptians hoped that the country's fitful political transition would finally be on a smoother path towards institutional reform and democratization (see summary of key events). But much remains in flux. The constitution drafting process that was contentious from the outset of the transition still poses difficulties for Mr. Morsi. He has promised a new constitution that would be put to a referendum within 2 weeks of completion, to be followed by new parliamentary elections 60 days after that. But resignations from the drafting committee and criticism about the lack of transparency have plagued the process and led to delays. In addition, civil rights advocates are concerned about the limited time available to consult and educate the public about the provisions of the new constitution.