Country File: Guinea Bissau Female Genital Cutting

Friday, February 8, 2013
Orchid Project
Western Africa

Type practiced:
The most widely practiced forms are Type I and Type II.

Legal status:

Until quite recently, no law prohibited the practice of FGC in Guinea-Bissau. However, in June 2011 the
National Popular Assembly (ANP) approved a law prohibiting FGC. The controversial law had been on the
table for discussion for 16 years, before it was ultimately approved by 64 votes in favour to 1 against.

History of FGC in Guinea-Bissau:Before the country's civil war in the late 1990s, a National Committee against Harmful Practices (supported by UNICEF and others) conducted FGC awareness campaigns in partnership with local NGOs. These activities were not sustained due to political instability and a lack of funding, but the government intended to address the problem – starting with a national consultation on FGC.

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