The NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security has released the May 2013 version of our Monthly Action Points (MAP) on Women, Peace and Security for the UN Security Council.
Togo's priorities as an elected member of the Security Council include peaceful settlement of disputes through dialogue, stronger coordination with regional and subregional organizations on peace and security, and conflict prevention.
Togo's relevant international commitments include: Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) (Acceded 26 Sep 1983)
Women, Peace and Security
In its regular work, the Council should ensure that all country reports and mandate renewals evaluate the level of protection and promotion of women's human rights, as per SCRs 1325, 1820 (OP 9), 1888 (OP 11), 1889 (OP 5) and 1960 (OP 6, 13). Member States should inquire about any lack of such reporting.
The Council is expected to discus terrorism twice: in a briefing on counterterrorism, and in a debate on peace and security in Africa. Both discussion should specifically address how counterterrorism measures by UN bodies and Member States comply with international human rights, refugee, and humanitarian law, particularly regarding gender considerations. Council members should ask what steps are being taken to ensure that counterterrorism measures do not hinder gender equality, and urge Member States to include human rights components in their relevant reporting.
Please see the attached PDF to read the entire report.