Excellent work on the letter to the Open WG! I just read about it on your website.
In light of the Open WG discussions and your letter, I thought it might be worth flagging this new publication by us (CR/Saferworld) on GPS in post-2015:
This paper complements the work done by our organisations around raising awareness on peace and security in relation to post-2015, and it also builds on work by others (including organisations active around gender equality).
You will find that we share quite a number of recommendations and have similar illustrative targets and indicators. I'd been keen to get your reflections! Feel free to share with contacts :-)
We are organising an event around this paper at CSW - 14th of March. Would be great to have you there, maybe even as panelist...?
Warm regards,
Sanne Tielemans
Policy Analyst
Tel: +44 (0)20 7288 8386
Conciliation Resources
173 Upper Street London N1 1RG UK
Charity registered in England and Wales (1055436). Company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales (03196482)
Connect with us on Facebook ConciliationResources and Twitter @CRbuildpeace
We publish Accord (recent issue: Positive peace for Lebanon), and have recently released our first Accord Insight publication: Accord Insight: Women building peace
In this paper, Saferworld and Conciliation Resources set out a vision for including
gender, peace and security in the post-2015 framework.4 A gender, peace and
security approach to post-2015 includes, but also goes beyond a focus on
women's empowerment. Inter alia, it means paying attention to the relationships
between gender, violence and inclusive decision-making. Building on our previous
recommendations for including peacebuilding commitments in the post-2015
development agenda, we suggest targets and indicators that illustrate how
gender, peace and security can best be integrated into the framework.
The report prepared by the following Organizations, Saferworld, and Conciliation Resources, can be found here.