REPORT: Timeline Drafting Process of Japan's National Action Plan

Monday, March 17, 2014
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan

Drafting Process of Japan's National Action Plan prepared by the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs

February 14, 2014

September 18, 2013 1st Consultation with CSOs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1)Presentation by the Ministry on UNSCR1325 and relevant resolutions, Women, Peace and Security agenda, and the elements of Japan's NAP
2)Discussion on the elements
3)Discussion on the participation of Civil Society in drafting
October 18, 2013 2nd Consultation with CSOs at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1)Comments by the Ministry on the questions and requests raised at the 1st Consultation
2)Presentation of the 2nd version of the NAP elements by the Ministry and discussion
3)Discussion on the way forward and decision to have a small group of the government organizations and Civil Society and to invite observers to the small group meetings in order to secure active participation of Civil Society in drafting process
November 22, 2013 1st Small Group Meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1)Briefing by the Ministry on the outcome of a conference in NY hosted by UN Women, "Global Technical Review Meeting: Building accountability for implementation of Security Council resolutions on Women, Peace and Security", in November 5-7, 2013
2)Discussion on the schedule of drafting
3)Discussion on the 2nd version of the NAP elements, and decision to start drafting a text of NAP and complete the 1st draft before the next small group meeting
4)Exchange of opinions between Civil Society and Ms. Zainab Hawa Bangura, Special Representative of the United Nations Secretary-General on Sexual Violence in Conflict, who visited Japan at the invitation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
December 20, 2013 2nd Small Group Meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1)Preliminary comments by Civil Society on introductory section of the 1st draft including the structure and monitoring mechanism of NAP
2)Discussion on introductory section
February 4, 2014 3rd Small Group Meeting at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

1)Discussion on the way forward including a possibility of local hearings
2)Further discussion on introductory section of the 1st draft
3)Decision to consider the next section, Pillar I: Empowerment and Participation, at the next small group meeting