Response to the Secretary-General's Synthesis Report "The Road to Dignity by 2030"

Thursday, December 18, 2014
Women's Major Group

The Women's Major Group presents its analysis and response to the United Nations Secretary-General's

Report “The Road to Dignity by 2030: Ending Poverty, Transforming all Lives and Protecting the Planet”.

Gender equality and women and girls' human rights and empowerment have been highlighted as aprerequisite for achieving sustainable development throughout the post-2015 process. The Women'sMajor Group calls for continued strong and global support for gender equality, the full realization of allwomen's and girls' human rights and empowerment to be a stand-alone goal and addressed as a crosscuttingissue.The Women's Major Group is therefore disappointed to note that the Secretary-General's SynthesisReport lacks ambition toward and a strategy for the transformative and action-oriented agenda we needto achieve a gender equal and human rights-based sustainable development for all. While there arepositive elements to the report, the WMG advises against taking the Report as the “starting point” forthe intergovernmental negotiations. It constitutes a significant step back from the OWG in many casesand falls far short of the demands of the Women's Major Group.

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