The Women's Major Group presents its analysis and response to the United Nations Secretary-General's
Gender equality and women and girls' human rights and empowerment have been highlighted as aprerequisite for achieving sustainable development throughout the post-2015 process. The Women'sMajor Group calls for continued strong and global support for gender equality, the full realization of allwomen's and girls' human rights and empowerment to be a stand-alone goal and addressed as a crosscuttingissue.The Women's Major Group is therefore disappointed to note that the Secretary-General's SynthesisReport lacks ambition toward and a strategy for the transformative and action-oriented agenda we needto achieve a gender equal and human rights-based sustainable development for all. While there arepositive elements to the report, the WMG advises against taking the Report as the “starting point” forthe intergovernmental negotiations. It constitutes a significant step back from the OWG in many casesand falls far short of the demands of the Women's Major Group.