The Security Council met on S/PV.7064 (19 November 2013) to discuss the recent report of the Security-General on the United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) (S/2013/631) and to receive a briefing from the Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG) and Head of UNMIK. The Council also heard statements from the representatives from Serbia and Kosovo, followed by statements from Member States. The Council welcomed the current progress in implementing the agreement between Serbia and Kosovo signed 19 April 2013, and discussed continued challenges of implementation. There are two references to women, peace, and security referenced by the permanent representative of Rwanda, which include domestic efforts to finalize Kosovo’s NAP on 1325, and efforts to finalize a new draft law on gender. Rwanda urged Kosovo to fully translate these efforts. The meeting missed several opportunities to discuss women, peace and security issues in relation to women’s participation and protection concerns, including women’s participation in Kosovo’s recent elections, the ongoing mediation process in northern Kosovo, and inter-community reconciliation initiatives, as well as in regards to women’s protection, including impunity for crimes of sexual violence, protection of victims and witnesses. In relation to the recommendations put forth in the August 2013 Map, the meeting’s record is inadequate. The MAP emphasizes the numerous points including, the prosecution of crimes of sexual violence, the need for protection of witnesses, women’s political participation, and the protection of women’s human rights defenders.[1] Encouragingly, the representative of Rwanda acknowledges progress regarding the finalization of Kosovo’s NAP on 1325 and steps taken to finalize a domestic law on gender equality. Notwithstanding the merit of these statements, no other speakers reference elements of the women, peace and security agenda. The limited mention of women, peace, and security issues in the Meeting of 19 November 2013 (S/PV.7064) is on par with the previous meeting of August 2013 (S/PV. 7026). At both meeting there are two references to issues of women, peace and security. Although, Rwanda’s mention of the finalization of the NAP on 1325 and steps taken to create a new draft law on gender equality, statements from the previous meeting, which discuss UNMIK’s role in addressing gender issues and call for increased efforts to end impunity for crimes of sexual violence are devoid from the current meeting. Further, speakers at both meetings fail to acknowledge the importance or call for women’s participation in politics, mediation, and reconciliation. Annex The finalization of the action plan on the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) and the inclusion on the Kosovo legislative agenda of the new draft law on gender equality are also commendable steps. While urging Kosovo to translate all those efforts into tangible actions, we commend UNMIK, UNESCO and the European Union for their invariable support in that regard.