The Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) (S/2014/401) was submitted to the Security Council on (10 June 2014.)
The Report of the Secretary-General, dated 10 June 2014 (S/2014/401), discussed the activities of UNDOF pursuant to rResolution 350 (1974) and extended by rResolution 2108 (2013). The report was structured around five sections, including an Introduction; The situation in the area and the activities of the Force; Financial aspects; Implementation of Security Council resolution 338 (1973); and Observations. The report discusseds the challenges in maintaining the ceasefire between Israel and the Syrian Arab Republic, the continual efforts of UNDOF in observing and reporting breaches of the ceasefire line; and humanitarian assistance.
Relevant issues of women, peace and security weare referenced only in regards to women serving as military observers in the United Nations Truce Supervision Organization (UNTSO).[1]
The report failed to integrate a gender perspective in discussion of UNDOF’s humanitarian assistance efforts; in the training of civilian personnel; and in reporting in regards to violence against civilians and civilian deaths; and in IDPs and refugees issues. S, sex-disaggregated data should also have been provided across all areas. Finally, the report failed to acknowledge the link between the flow of arms and increase sexual and gender-based violence against women and girls.
In relation to the recommendations put forth in the December 2013 MAP, the report’s record was inadequate.[2] The MAP called for numerous points including, the inclusion of gender-specific language, support for women affected by the current crisis, engagement of women in political solutions to the violence, gender-specific humanitarian responses, and mandatory comprehensive gender training for troops. As per usual, in regards to the situation in Golan Heights, the Council missed several opportunities to include a gender perspective and makes no mention of women, peace, and security in the current report.
The current report of 10 June 2014 (S/2014/401) was on par with the previous report of 18 March 2014 (S/2014/199). Both reports madke superficial references to the WPS agenda, in regards to women’s participation as military observers UNTSO. However, neither report integrateds a gender analysis of the activities of UNDOF. Particularly, neither report incorporated a gender lens when discussing UNDOF’s humanitarian assistance efforts; civilian protection efforts; or in the training of civilian personnel. Similarly, neither report discussed the link between the flow of arms and impact on the lives of women in the region.
[1] Reporting on the number of women serving in UNDOF is provided, not a noteworthy reference of WPS in relation to the goals and mission of the NGOWG.
Security Council adopted a Resolution on the Middle East, S/RES/2163, on (25 June 2014.)
The Security Council adopted rResolution 2163 on the situation in the Middle East at the 7209th meeting on 25 June 2014 (S/PV.7209) until 31 December 2014. The Council called on Israel, the Syrian Arab Republic and oppositions to abide by the ceasefire, emphasizing that there should be no military activity of any kind in the area of separation. In addition, the Council expressed grave concern at all continued violations of the Disengagement of Forces Agreement and called on all parties to conflict to fully cooperate with UNDOF.
There is only one, superficial reference to issues of women, peace and security, in regards to Secretary General’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse.
The Council missed several significant opportunities to incorporate a gender lens in women’s human rights protection and promotion. First, the Council failed to call for the incorporation of a gender perspective into the peacekeeping operations and the establishment of a gender component within the staff of a mission. Secondly, the Council failed to call for an expanded role for women in the UN field operations among military, police and civilian personnel. Lastly, although the Council condemns all forms of sexual violence, this call could have been strengthened by recognizing the important role of women in the prevention of conflict.
In comparison to the recommendation put forth in the December 2013 MAP, the resolution was inadequate. The December MAP called for support for civilian populations, including women, affected by the current crisis; engagement of women in seeking political solutions to end the violence; gender-specific humanitarian responses; and mandatory comprehensive gender training for troops.[1] The current resolution showeds no sign of enhancing women’s rights. Encouragingly, the Council did condemn all forms of sexual exploitation and abuse, however the Council failed to mention both service provisions for survivors of sexual violence and prevention efforts to protect and promote the human rights of women and girls.
Both the current resolution of 25 June 2014 (S/RES/2163) and the previous resolution of 18 December 2013 (S/RES/2131) madke superficial mentions of women, peace and security. The previous resolution calleds for women to be fully represented in all aspects of the Syrian-led transition plan to end all forms of violence, but it faileds to outline a gender perspective in critical areas including, humanitarian access and delivery and; the protection and empowerment needs of female civilians, refugees, IDPs, including for survivors of sexual and gender-based violence. While the current report mentioneds the zero-tolerance policy on sexual abuse and tolerance, it neglecteds to call for peacekeeping personnel of contributing countries to adhere to pertinent codes of conduct and disciplinary and accountability mechanisms in order to prevent such exploitation.
Welcomes the efforts being undertaken by the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force to implement the Secretary-General’s zero-tolerance policy on sexual exploitation and abuse and to ensure full compliance of its personnel with the United Nations code of conduct, requests the Secretary-General to continue to take all necessary action in this regard and to keep the Security Council informed, and urges troop-contributing countries to take preventive and disciplinary action to ensure that such acts are properly investigated and punished in cases involving their personnel; (5)