The Report of the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy on the activities of the European Union military mission in Bosnia and Herzegovina (S/2014/187) was submitted to the Security Council on 17 March 2014.
The report covereds the period from 1 September to 30 November 2013. The report discussed thes continued and intensified political polarization in light up coming elections,; structural ethnic discrimination, and additional security and rule of law processes.
Issues of women, peace and security wereare absent from the report
A gender perspectivepersepctive wasis not incorporated throughoutin the entiretyenitretly of report on the EU mission. Particularly, there wasis no mention of gender sensitive training or capacity building in the mission, and, thus, gender has yet to be mainstreamed in the activities of the mission.
In relation to the November 2013 MAP, the reports’ record wasis inadequate and faileds to include gender into any area of the report. The November 2013 report calleds on the Special Representative to incorporate a gender perspective in regards to the training and capacity building within the EU mission, and mainstreaming gender considerations should be mainstreamed throughout all areas of the High Representative’s work.
This wasis the first report during the reporting period by the High Representative of the European Union. Previous reports were also devoid of gender considerations.