Iraq (S/2014/485)

Friday, July 11, 2014
Report Analysis: 

Third Report of the Secretary-General Submitted Pursuant to Paragraph 6 of Resolution 2110 (2013) S/2014/485 (11 July 2014)

In the third report (S/2014/485) submitted pursuant to resolution 2110, the Security General provides information on the progress made towards the fulfillment of

the UNAMI mandate. This report focuses mainly on key political and security development related to Iraq and the activities of UNAMI.

The Security General provided information gender disaggregated data on a broad range of women, peace, and security concerns. The data provided focused on the

prevalence of SGBV, women’s participation in the recent election as voters and the number of female refugees. The report also includes information as to how many

women are successfully participating in the political processes as leaders; however it should be noted women only make up 25 percent of the new Council of

Representatives. Furthermore, the SG reported on a new tool implemented for the proper reporting of SGBV, a database tracking all cases of SGBV in the

Kurdistan region. Lastly, the Security General informs Member States as to the approval of a National Strategy for the Advancement of Women.

The report fails to provide information on women’s concerns regarding SSR, justice, and gender-specific humanitarian services. While it was encouraging that the

report includes a substantial amount of gender disaggregated data regarding SGBV and women’s political participation, none was provided as to the inclusion of

women in the police force, gender sensitivity training in the defense forces, application and reform of law to address women’s concerns, nor the types of services, if

any, provided to female refugees.

Security Council Resolution S/RES/2169 (2014) (30 July 2014)

This resolution renewed the mandate of the United Nations Assistance Mission for Iraq (UNAMI) until July 31, 2015 and requested the Secretary General to report

to the Council every three months on the progress made towards the fulfilment of all UNAMI’s responsibilities.

The resolution offered three references to the women, peace and security agenda, all of them taking place in the preambular paragraphs. The first reference reaffirms

the relevance of gender equality and the protection of human rights by UNAMI and it highlighted the importance of including civil society. The second reference

mentioned all the WPS resolutions and reiterated the need for full, equal, and effective participation of women in peace and political-decision making processes as

well as their protection from violence. Finally, the third reference reaffirmed that all parties should continue to ensure the protection of affected civilians, including


Despite these noteworthy references to the WPS agenda, the Council failed to incorporate any of them into the operative paragraphs of the resolution and neglected

a gender lens on the following issues: the distribution of resources, an inclusive, parliamentary elections, the rule of law and respect for human rights, access to and

seizure of oil fields and pipelines and refugees and internally displaced persons (including the specific needs of women and girls). Moreover, the resolution failed to

incorporate gender disaggregated data.

In comparison with the suggestions put forth in the July 2014 MAP, this resolution’s record was mixed. It did stress the protection of civilians and called for

women’s political participation, however, it did not provide any gender disaggregated data nor a gender analysis of information supplied on situations of detention,

and humanitarian access, including for Syrian refugees. It also failed to address women’s access to justice.

This resolution was on par with the previous resolution S/RES/2110 which extended the mandate of UNAMI until 31 July 2014. They both offered similar WPS

references in the preambular paragraphs.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
General Women, Peace and Security
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
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