Introduction; Activities of the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Prevention of a recurrence of fighting and the maintenance of the military status quo; Restoration of normal conditions and humanitarian functions; Committee on Missing Persons; Financial and administrative aspects; Observations
Issues of women, peace and security are discussion only in relation to reporting on criminal investigation, one of which involved a case of sexual assault.
Council misses an opportunity to integrate a gender lens in the report by explicitly calling for and report on women’s participation concerns, including in regards to civil society participation in UNFICYP supported cooperation and reconciliation events as well as more broadly in regards to women’s full and equal participation in political and peace processes.
In relation to the recommendations put forth in the July 2013 MAP the reports record is inadequate. The MAP calls for the Council to support efforts to ensure women’s participation in peace negotiations and strengthen references for civil society participation in the peace process (S/RES/2114, OP 3(d)) in line with the recommendations in S/2010/603, para. 43. The Council fails to explicitly mention women’s participation in political and peace processes, and also fails to include language regarding to civil society participation. Therefore, overall there is inclusion of a gender lens no reference or reporting.
The current report of 30 December 2013 (S/2013/781) is on par with the previous report. Both report make no substantial reference to issues of women, peace and security.