The SG Report offers an assessment of the implementation of resolution 1701 and the operations of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) since the previous report of 26 June 2013 (S/2013/381). With the conflict in Syria continuing to serve as the background for violence in Lebanon, the situation in the area of operations of UNIFIL remained relatively calm, although there were two serious incidents of concern between the Israeli Defense Forces and armed actors within Lebanon, including Hizbollah. Israel also continued its almost daily overflights of Lebanese airspace, in violation of the resolution. Nonetheless, Lebanon and Israel continued to affirm their commitment to implementing resolution 1701, but there was no progress on their respective obligations. The Report also addresses the broader political and security situations within Lebanon (including the need to resume the National Dialogue and form a new Government), and the proliferation of arms in contravention of the resolution’s calls for the disarming of armed groups and the arms embargo.
There were two references to women, peace and security in the Report, but only offering sex-disaggregated data on the Syrian refugee population and the UNIFIL military and civilian staff.
With the exception of two mentions of sex-disaggregated data, there is no attention given to women, peace and security in this Report. Therefore, it misses the opportunity to bring a gender perspective to the proliferation of arms amongst non-state actors within Lebanon and across the Syrian border, and the links that such trends have with aggravated violence against civilians, especially women and children. It also neglects to consider the role of women in mediating the respective obligations on resolution 1701, in advancing the National Dialogue, and in forming a new government. In addition, the Report acknowledges that 80 percent of Syrian refugees who had approached UNHCR were women and children, but then offers no gender-specific needs assessment or protection agenda.
As there are only references to sex-disaggregated data, the SG Report does not address the recommendations put forward in the most recent MAP (August 2013). Therefore, there is no attention given to women’s involvement in regional peace processes; capacity-building for civil society organizations; gender-specific awareness training for peacekeepers, national forces, and police; nor to the effects of weapons proliferation upon women and children.
The previous SG Report on the implementation of Security Council resolution 1701 (2006), S/2013/381, similarly offers few mentions of women, peace and security, largely confined to sex-disaggregated data. However, in one instance, the previous report does go beyond sex-disaggregated data, and highlights a memorandum of understanding signed between UNIFIL and the Ministry of Social Affairs, aimed at strengthening cooperation to build local capacity and social development, with a special focus on youth and women.