Lebanon (S/PRST/2014/10)

Thursday, May 29, 2014
Report Analysis: 

On 29 May 2014, the Security Council released a presidential statement regarding the recent election, which failed to see the appointment of a new president. The statement reiterates the Council’s support during the interim period until the election of a president. Furthermore, Lebanese authorities are encouraged to further engage with the International Support Group. Thereby, addressing the economic, security, and humanitarian needs facing the Government of Lebanon. In consistency with the Government of Lebanon’s commitment to the Baabda Declaration, the statement also appeals to Lebanese parties to remain united and to refrain from involvement in the Syrian crisis.

This presidential statement does not reference any women, peace and security issues.

In the statement’s discussion of the interim election period and the security and humanitarian challenges, the Council fails to address women’s promotion and protection concerns. The council does not comment on any efforts made by UNIFL to support engagement or integration of women from civil society in political mechanisms. Neither does the statement comment on any gender-specific strategies or services for female refugees/IDPs. Furthermore, there are no mentions of any gender-specific protection efforts by UNIFL or the Government of Lebanon to prevent GBV.

The August 2013[1] MAP report focuses on the renewal of UNIFL’s mandate in order to combat the spill-over effects of the Syrian conflict. Unlike the recommendations provided by MAP report, this presidential statement does not address the inclusion of gender-specific training peacekeepers, national forces, or police forces. Nor does the statement address the inclusion of women in either the interim election phase or in future peacebuilding/political processes.

This presidential statement is on par with the previous statement, S/PRST/2013/9, in that neither statement tackles women, peace and security issues.

[1] Monthly Action Points on Women, Peace and Security, Security Council: August 2013,” NGO Working Group on Women, Peace and Security, http://womenpeacesecurity.org/media/pdf-MAP_August2013.pdf, (August, 5, 2013)

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Conflict Prevention
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