Somalia (S/2004/243)

Thursday, April 3, 2014
Report Analysis: 

This letter dated 3 April 2014 (S/2004/243) from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council provided an update on options and recommendations to the United Nations and other technical assistance to the federal government of Somalia in improving its capacities to manage weapons and military equipment, including monitoring and verification.

There were no references to the women, peace and security agenda in this letter. Further, there were no mentions of civil society or human rights.

The letter missed several opportunities to incorporate a gender perspective. It did not provide sex-disaggregated data on the composition of the assessment team that was deployed, it also did not discuss any consultations with civil society, in particular with women’s organizations, and it did not provide any analysis of the impact of sanctions and the partial lifting of the arms embargo on women and girls as well as of the flow of weapons. Also, this letter failed to provide information on women’s involvement on weapons and ammunition management and in the efforts to accelerate security sector reforms.

Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
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