Pursuant to paragraph 5(f) of Security Council resolution 2079 (2012), the Panel of Experts transmitted its final report on Liberia, covering issues related to arms, cross-border security, asset freezes and travel bans, and natural resources in Liberia.
There is no reference to women, peace and security concerns.
Transmitting a 42-page report (not including annexes) with no references to women, peace and security, the Panel of Experts on Liberia misses many opportunities to incorporate a gender perspective into its analysis. In particular, the emphasis on illicit arms trafficking failed to appreciate and underscore the nexus between the illicit use and trade of small arms and the resulting aggravated violence against civilians, especially women and girls.
In relation to the latest MAP on the Liberian sanctions regime and Panel of Experts in particular (June 2013), this Report is not responsive. It does not offer information on the violation of women’s rights, nor does it address the links between the illicit flow of small arms and light weapons and the occurrence of sexual and gender-based violence.
The previous Report of the Panel of Experts on Liberia, S/2013/316, similarly contained no reference to women, peace and security, with the exception of one brief reference in the annex to attacks against civilians, including assailants in at least one case cutting off a victim’s sex organs.