The report to the Security Council, dated 16 September 2013 (S/2013/557), focused on the findings and recommendations of the United Nations multidisciplinary mission to the Central African Republic 21-26 August 2013.
This report on the findings and recommendations of the United Nations multidisciplinary mission to the Central African Republic (S/2013/557) was included as an annex in the Letter dated 16 September 2013 from the Secretary-General addressed to the President of the Security Council. This document comprised a series of findings and recommendations resulting from a review of BINUCA’s mandate and structure that was conducted by a multidisciplinary team from Headquarters from 21 to 26 August 2013, including a discussion of the deterioration of the political and security situation with the rapid weakening of the authority of the transitional Government and the worsening of the humanitarian crisis.
This document addressed the protection dimension of the women, peace and security agenda as it touched on the reports that the mission received about widespread sexual violence (para. 8 (f)) and the need for a system-wide response to the current human rights and protection challenges in the country (para.32), with particular attention accorded to grave violations against women and children. Furthermore, the report mentioned that a human rights component should therefore also include specialized capacities for the protection of women and children (para.33).
This report missed the opportunity to provide more information on the specific participation concerns of women and to incorporate a gender perspective on matters such as: Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration; Security Sector Reform including gender training for police elements; and humanitarian assistance and delivery. Also, the report failed to mention meetings with women’s groups and leaders when it discussed the mission’s meetings with national stakeholders including civil society. Further, the report failed to address the need for Gender Advisers and Women Protection Advisors in the possible expansion of the United Nations presence in the country. Finally, the report did not provide any sex-disaggregated data.
This report’s record in comparison with the August 2013 MAP[1] was inadequate as it failed to provide information on the promotion of women’s participation and the specific barriers that they encounter, as well as more detailed information about their gender-specific protection concerns and needs
This current report, with three references, can be considered as a slight improvement in comparison with the previous report (S/2013/476) from 9 August 2013, which only included one mention of women, peace and security and it focused on women’s protection concerns.