The Secretary-General’s Report on Darfur (S/2014/279) was submitted to the Security Council on 15 April 2014.
The report of 15 April (S/2014/279) provided an update and analysis of the conflict, political and operational environment in Darfur, including an update on the activities of the Mission to implement the strategic priorities outlined in the SG’s special report of 25 February 2014 (S/2014/138) pursuant to resolution 2148 (2014), and on progress in the strengthening and streamlining of the operations of UNAMID.
The report discussed the extensive use of and increase in crimes of sexual and gender-based violence during the reporting period, including explicit mentions of rape in reporting on human rights violations and the number of cases reported to government authorities. UNAMID also provided data on the specific number of cases reported of sexual and gender-based violence in camps. Additionally, the report highlighted the lack of confidence by victims and family members in the government’s capacity to ensure justice for these crimes and the persistence of challenges presented by stigma and inadequate investigation and prosecution of crimes of sexual and gender-based violence. Related, the report highlighted several of UNAMID’s efforts to improve protection and prevention of sexual and gender-based violence, as well as the mission’s collaboration with women’s groups. Finally, gender was mentioned in the first phase the streamlining of UNAMID’s activities.
Issues of women, peace and security were also mentioned in the annex of the reporting, which contains the revised benchmarks and indicators. Benchmark 1 called for an inclusive peace process via mediation efforts, including dialogue and consultations with women. Benchmark 2, protection of civilians and unhindered access to humanitarian aid, called for UNAMID to protect women and children at risk of physical attack and called on all parties to conflict to combat all acts of sexual violence against women, men, and children.
Sex-disaggregated data was not provided in reporting on civilian deaths; acts of violence, including rape and displacement; or in regards to participants in peace processes facilitated by UNAMID. There was no mention of UNAMID’s cooperation with women’s organizations or an inclusion of women’s interests more broadly in peace processes in the body of the report. Further, there was no gender lens incorporated in discuss of anticipated DDR processes. Finally, benchmark 3, relating to the prevention and mitigation of community conflict, did not make mention of women’s participation or concerns.
In relation to the February 2014 MAP, the report’s record was inadequate. The MAP called for numerous points including, reporting on sex-disaggregated data; support for gender advisors; a gender lens in civilian protection and displacement; and reporting on progress made in developing and implementing a strategy to protect women and girls from SGBV. The report did not provide sex-disaggregated data, however, instances of SGBV are reported on several occasions. The report considered gender in civilian protection and broadly incorporated gender in displacement in the annex via benchmark 2 by calling on UNAMID to protect women and children at risk of physical attack and called on all parties to conflict to combat all acts of sexual violence against women, men and children, however, the report was devoid of discussion of a specific strategy to protect women and girls from SGBV, nor were the gender-specific human rights protection and promotion concerns of women IDS or refugees mentioned.
The current report was consistent with the previous report of 25 February 2014 (S/2014/138). Both reports incorporated gender in regards to benchmarks 1 and 2, highlighting the importance of women participation in peace process as well as the importance of gender in civilian protection broadly. Neither report mentioned gender in relation to displacement nor did either report provide sex-disaggregated data in reporting on civilian deaths or violence against civilians. Finally, neither report called for women’s participation specific in regards to addressing inter-communal conflict via benchmark 3.