Wednesday, June 3, 2015
PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Displacement and Humanitarian Response
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 
Golan Heights
Document PDF: 

Report of the Secretary-General on the United Nations Disengagement Observer Force for the period from 3 March to 28 May 2015 .

Code: S/2015/405

Period of time and topic: Report on the activities of UNDOF from 3 March to 28 May 2015.

WPS Section

The report of the Secretary-General (S/2015/405) references women’s concerns in regards to transborder movement, as well as the women involved in UNDOF. In its observations, UNDOF reports on one occasion where a few women were migrating between the borders of Lebanon and Syria.[1] Including women in their observations displays the mission’s acknowledgement of the importance of reporting on women’s involvement in all spheres. Women are also reported on as living in the refugee camps.[2] Reporting on the presence of women in the IDP population, the report attempts to provide a holistic description of the refugee/IDP population. Beyond reporting on women as IDPs, the report also makes sure to state how many women are part of UNDOF. Of the 788 officers, 31 officers are women.[3] Through specifying the number of women recruited into UNDOF, the report accurately pictures the gender imbalance within the mission.

References in Need of Improvement Section

In order to improve its references to the women, peace and security agenda, the report of the Secretary-General (S/2015/405) must not meld women and children together. In its descriptions of women as part of the transborder movement, the report only mentions women in a combined mention of children. In order to properly depict the situation of women refugees,  the report should not conflate them with children. These two groups are distinct in their needs and actions, and should be reported on separately.

Missed Opportunities Section

The report of the Secretary-General (S/2015/405) misses opportunities to report on women’s promotion and prevention concerns. In the discussion on the maintenance of a potential ceasefire, the report neglects to mention whether women are included in this political dialogue. The absence of this information is indicative of the report’s failure to see women’s issues beyond that of protection concerns. Even though ceasefire discussions have been considered a predominantly masculine endeavour, the report should accurately report on the involvement of women.

Ideal Asks for WPS Transformation Section

The report should be improved with an explicit reference to and ideally an analysis of all genders, emphasizing diverse masculinities and femininities, including the dynamics between and amongst genders as well as the power relations and hierarchies at play, and the intersection of gender, race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, class and age across all political peace and security processes.


[1] S/2015/405, para. 7

[2] S/2015/405, para. 14

[3] S/2015/405, para. 21