Resolution 1325 (2000) also urges Member States to incorporate women in decisionmaking processes. In that regard, I should like to highlight Andorra’s experience, which has achieved a gender-balanced Parliament without adopting legislative measures but rather as a result of a society that was able to evolve in terms of equality. Agendasensitive legislative power has made it possible to undertake important activities with respect to gender equality. For example, Andorra was the tenth State to ratify the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence, thereby allowing the Convention to enter into force. On 15 January, we also adopted a law criminalizing gender-based and domestic violence. The law calls for the establishment of a national commission for the prevention of gender- based and domestic violence. Andorra has made a commitment, as it did during the second cycle of the universal periodic review, to endowing that body with the resources necessary to effectively meet its goals.