Statement of Lithuania


The task ahead of us is immense. However, it can be achieved if each of us finds the strength and courage to become part of the change by:

  • Encouraging women to dream big and demand their rightful place at national parliaments, negotiating tables, science labs and company boards;
  • Ensuring that nothing can stand in the way of a girl’s dream to receive free quality education;
  • Combating gender stereotypes and abusive social practices; making sure that laws give women and girls equal voice and power they deserve;
  • Reducing the cost of violence against women so that billions more could be directed into poverty reduction and development.

We cannot afford to fail in this challenge. To achieve this, we need everyone on board. Only if all members of the society – both women and men – are fully represented and engaged, can the world’s future be truly sustainable.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence