The United Nations Commission on the Status of Women concluded its annual session by condemning only one country for violating women’s rights anywhere on the planet. The Commission had nothing to say about Iran, where women can face execution by stoning for the so-called crime of adultery. They were silent about places 19/10/2016 The situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian question S/PV.7792 16-33267 11/64 where forced child marriage, official discrimination against women and so-called honour killings are widespread. Instead, the Organization condemned Israel, where a woman is President of the Supreme Court, where a woman sits as Governor of the Bank of Israel, and where a woman serves as Minister of Justice. To make matters worse, a Commission on the Status of Women report (E/2016/27) blamed Israel for domestic violence committed by Palestinian men against Palestinian women. Instead of making it absolutely clear that there is never an excuse for violence against women, the report followed the shameful United Nations practice of giving excuses for violence and blaming Israel for every ill in Palestinian society.