Statement by Argentina



In many cases, the violation of women’s human rights and the assaults against the sexual integrity of women and girls in situations of conflict, as well as the abduction of women and girls, with the goal of exploiting them for work, sexual slavery and trafficking, are committed by members of rebel or terrorist groups, as well as by members of armed forces or security forces. In some cases, such crimes are even committed by members of participating peacekeeping operations.

We need to work in favour of the implementation of resolution 1325 (2000) and to strengthen measures aimed at preventing cases of sexual abuse and exploitation in peacekeeping operations, in line with the Organization’s zero-tolerance policy. We should also implement the resolution with regard to its military, police and civilian components, so as to move from a culture of impunity to a culture of prevention. Such measures would have a real impact on peacebuilding in various parts of the world.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence
Human Rights