Statement of Azerbaijan


The growing spread of violent extremism and terrorism also causes unspeakable suffering to women and girls. As it was highlighted during the Security Council open debate (see S/PV.7704) on conflict related sexual violence held in June, sexual violence is now also used as a tactic of terrorism. Moreover, restricting women’s rights in conflict settings through the misappropriation of religion has become widespread and is a very dangerous development. It is therefore crucial to integrate the gender perspective while putting in place strategies to counter terrorism and violent extremism.

We strongly condemn all acts of violence against women and girls in situations of armed conflict. Parties to conflict should respect their obligations under international humanitarian and international human rights law and bring the perpetrators to justice to combat impunity and ensure accountability. In the same vein, we support ongoing measures to prevent and address cases of sexual exploitation and abuse in United Nations peacekeeping operations.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence