
 In different parts of the world affected by conflict, sexual violence is used as a destructive tactic of war or terrorism, as well as one of the key elements of the ideology and activities of extremist groups, such as Boko Haram and Da’esh. The terrorist groups that I just mentioned are openly promoting human trafficking as part of their military strategy or as a source of funding. That is why the connection between phenomena like human trafficking, sexual violence in conflict situations and the activities of terrorist organizations requires special attention from the Security Council. The adoption of resolution 2331 (2016) is a timely measure that demonstrates the ability of the Security Council to respond to the new challenges and threats that arise in the area of peace and security.


We cannot close our eyes in the face of the situation on the ground. We cannot wait for the number of victims of sexual exploitation and sexual violence related to trafficking to reach the terrible numbers of the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina or the genocide in Rwanda. A constant problem is the underestimation of data on sexual violence in conflicts.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence