With that in mind, the despicable acts perpetrated against women and girls by terrorist organizations, such as Da’esh and Boko Haram, deserve every condemnation. The use of sexual violence, including the sale and trade of women and girls, as a tactic of terror by Da’esh in Iraq and Syria reflects the appalling nature of that terrorist organization. While Turkey continues to fight against Da’esh with all its means, we believe that it is high time for the international community to act in unity for a comprehensive and inclusive approach to eliminate the root causes of this menace.
Although in a different context, it is also befitting to underline that the terrorist organization the Kurdistan Workers’ Party/Democratic Union Party (PKK/PYD) likewise resorts to abuse and exploitation of women and children. The terrorist leadership of the PKK/PYD is known to commit sexual violence and abuse, even towards its female recruits. That includes rape, forced pregnancy and abortion and the carrying out of sexual-abuse related executions.