Women Confronting ISIS: Local Strategies and States’ Responsibilities

CUNY Law School

This Symposium offers a unique and timely opportunity to engage with locally-based Iraqi and Syrian women activists working across sectarian lines, as well as international experts to address the crisis of women's human rights in areas controlled by the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS). Participants will explore the relationship between gender-based abuses under ISIS and State-sanctioned discrimination and violence against women, highlighting lessons for policymakers and women's rights advocates in diverse contexts of political and armed conflict. Sponsored by: The Sorensen Center for International Peace and Justice, MADRE, the Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom (WILPF), Nobel Women’s Initiative (NWI), the Organization for Women’s Freedom in Iraq (OWFI)

Free and open to the public.Lunch provided with RSVP. CLE credits available.

Location: CUNY Law School, Dave Fields Auditorium (2 Court Sq., Long Island City)

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