Security Council Resolution 1378

Resolution Reference PDF: 

S/RES/1378 (2001)

Report References: 
Resolution Extracts: 

1. Expresses its strong support for the efforts of the Afghan people to estab...

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 
Justice, Rule of Law and Security Sector Reform
Human Rights
Security Council Agenda Geographical Topic: 

1. Expresses its strong support for the efforts of the Afghan people to establish a new and transitional administration leading to the formation of a government, both of which:

– should be broad-based, multi-ethnic and fully representative of all the Afghan people and committed to peace with Afghanistan's neighbours,

– should respect the human rights of all Afghan people, regardless of gender, ethnicity or religion,

– should respect Afghanistan's international obligations, including by cooperating fully in international efforts to combat terrorism and illicit drug trafficking within and from Afghanistan, and

– should facilitate the urgent delivery of humanitarian assistance and the orderly return of refugees and internally displaced persons, when the situation permits;