Security Council Resolution 2256

Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Resolution Reference PDF: 

Security Council Resolution 2256.

Resolution Extracts: 

Security Council Resolution 2256: Para. 19.

PeaceWomen Consolidated Themes: 

19. Notes further the views and recommendations made with regard to the Mechanism’s work by the Council’s Informal Working Group on International Tribunals, as reflected in this resolution, and requests the Mechanism to take into account those views and implement the recommendations, and to continue to take steps, such as those referred to in paragraph 18, to further enhance efficiency and effective and transparent management, in particular full implementation of the outstanding recommendations of the OIOS; production of more focused projections of completion timelines and disciplined adherence thereto, including by making the best use of the diverse approaches of common law and civil law systems; enhancement of the geographic diversity and gender balance of staff, while ensuring continued professional expertise; implementation of a human resources policy consistent with its temporary mandate; and further reduction of costs, including through, but not limited to, flexible staff engagement;