Sexual and Gender-Based Violence

The Sexual and Gender-Based Violence (SGBV) theme focuses on the incidence and prevalence of violence against women in conflict and post-conflict settings. Polarisation of gender roles, proliferation of weapons, militarisation, and the breakdown of law influence SGBV.

The risk of SGBV is heightened during conflict by aggravating factors, including the polarization of gender roles, the proliferation of arms, the militarization of society, and the breakdown of law and order. The subsequent long-term and complex impacts of SGBV continue to affect individuals and communities after conflict ends.

SGBV is addressed in all five resolutions on Women, Peace and Security. In SCR 1888, the Security Council expresses its intention to ensure peacekeeping mandate resolutions contain provisions on the prevention of, and response to, sexual violence, with corresponding reporting requirements to the Council (OP11). The resolutions deal with protecting women from violence (1820,OP3, 8-10; 1888,OP3,12); strengthening local and national institutions to assist victims of sexual violence (1820,OP13; 1888,OP13); and including strategies to address sexual violence in post-conflict peacebuilding processes (1820,OP11). SCR 1820 also calls for the participation of women in the development of mechanisms intended to protect women from violence (OP10).

Lastly, SCR 1960 creates institutional tools and teeth to combat impunity and outlines specific steps needed for both the prevention of and protection from conflict-related sexual violence. The new “naming and shaming,” listing mechanism mandated in the Resolution is a step forward in bringing justice for victims and a recognition that sexual violence is a serious violation of human rights and international law.

Addressing SGBV is an integral aspect of the overall Women, Peace and Security agenda. SGBV affects the health and safety of women, and also has significant impact on economic and social stability. The Security Council recognises that sexual violence can threaten international peace and security, and that it is frequently used as a tactic of war to dominate, humiliate, terrorise, and displace.

For more resources on this Critical Issue, visit PeaceWomen Resource Center >>

ANALYSIS: The Politics of Afghan Women's Rights

On Jan. 10, Afghanistan's Council of Ministers, at its regular weekly meeting, decided that women's shelters needed to be brought under government control, reflecting a long-simmering discontent with women's shelters in Afghanistan. It's a discontent fanned by a media campaign spearheaded by right-wing broadcaster and ideologue, Nasto Naderi, who has pushed the idea that shelters are simply fronts for prostitution.

ANALYSIS: Women of Iraq: From Victims to Peacebuilders

Soon after the launch of the US-led war in 2003, Iraq witnessed the emergence of a violent conflict and the deepening of splits along communal, religious, confessional, tribal and ethnic lines. The resulting chaos gave rise to growing insecurity and lawlessness and an upsurge in religious extremism. A backlash against women's rights and feminist activists was seen, opening old and new avenues for discrimination and violence against women.

VIDEO: Iraqi Kurds Mark Women's Day

To mark the international day of women, protesters in Sulaymanieh called for a special day for women's rights. Hundreds of women joined the usual daily crowd of protesters in the city square with many speaking from the podium about the problems Kurdish women face.

BLOG: UN Says World Leaders Must Act To Stop Systematic Rape of Girls in Conflict Zones

The United Nations today accuses world leaders of "turning a blind eye" to systematic rape in conflict countries as it calls for those responsible to be charged by the international criminal court (ICC) in the Hague.

VIDEO: Iran's Gender Apartheid against Women

Created by the organization, the film compared the rights of women in Iran with those in South Africa in the days of Apartheid.

“This oppression of Iranian women is reminiscent of black apartheid in South Africa,” FreeMiddleEast says. “Let's stop Iran's Gender Apartheid together."

OTHER: Home » HS News » Notitas De Noticias » PBS NewsHour Honors Inter'l Women's Health Day with Compelling Show on Women of Guatemala Search Website Go Notitas De Noticias Friday March 4, 2011 PBS NewsHour Honors Inter'

PBS NewsHour marks International Women's Health Day (March 8) with a two-part series from Guatemala focusing on two major struggles women face in that country. PBS NewsHour Senior Correspondent Ray Suarez examines a culture of violence against women now fueled by drug trafficking and the struggles to teach women about birth control.

The reports air Monday, March 7 and Tuesday, March 8, 2010 (check local listings).

DEMONSTRATION: Reclaim the Night March on tonight

The provisional approval was given by the Prime Minister's Office today.

Those intending to participate in the march are requested to gather at the Flea Market in Suva by 6pm – with the March expected to start at 7pm.

The march will proceed from the Suva Flea Market through the streets of Suva to government buildings.

Reclaim the Night March calls for an end to sexual violence against women and children.

STATEMENT: Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon's message on International Women's Day

One hundred years ago, when the world first commemorated International Women's Day, gender equality and women's empowerment were largely radical ideas. On this centenary, we celebrate the significant progress that has been achieved through determined advocacy, practical action and enlightened policy making. Yet, in too many countries and societies, women remain second-class citizens.

BLOG: Confronting Gender Apartheid in 21st Century

Humanity continues to witness human rights violations in the discrimination and violence against half of the world's population, writes Babatunde Osotimehin, executive director of the United Nations Population Fund and under-secretary-general of the United Nations. (The opinions expressed are his own.)

POWERPOINT: Women & the Human Right to Peace

UN Commission on the Status of Women 55 Power Point:

Women and the Human Right to Peace

To view click here
