
UN Security Council Member: 
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ASIA/PACIFIC: Study Reveals Shocking New Evidence of Men's Use of Violence against Women and Girls in Asia Pacific

One in two men said they had used physical or sexual violence against an intimate partner, one in four reported having raped a woman and one in 25 admitted to having participated in gang rape.

SYRIA: Syrian Women Become Casualty of War, with Some Refugees Resorting to Prostitution in Jordan

Walk among the plastic tents in one corner of this sprawling, dust-swept desert camp packed with Syrian refugees, and a young woman in a white headscarf signals.

MENA REGION: Arab Women Say Time for Saying 'Spring' Is Over

Egyptian female activists are looking for a better constitution and members of the Syrian opposition are concerned about the violence committed by all sides of that conflict against women.

Worsening violence against women in Tunisia is also troubling.

The long and difficult process of democratization is causing many Arab women to seek new ways to describe what their region--and the women in them--are going through.

CAMBODIA: UN Official Welcomes Possibility of Genocide Court Trying Sexual Crimes

A senior United Nations official today welcomed the recent decision by Cambodia's genocide tribunal to annul a previous ruling that would have prevented it from trying crimes of sexual violence committed during the Khmer Rouge regime.

INDIA: Men Can Still Rape their Wives in India after New Government Bill

The Congress-led cabinet has been under intense pressure to strengthen legal protection for women following national protests over the gang rape and murder of a student on a Delhi bus last December.

The 23-year-old physiotherapy student died from extensive internal injuries caused by six men who raped her as she and a friend returned from a visit to the cinema.

PACIFIC: Women Struggle for a Place in the Pacific

Women face greater odds in achieving equal political representation in the Pacific Islands than in any other region of the world, holding just 3 percent of seats in national parliaments, compared to 20 percent in Sub-Saharan Africa and 18.5 percent in South East Asia.

KYRGYZSTAN:New Law in Kyrgyzstan Toughens Penalties for Bride Kidnapping

“Women should be beaten every day,” says Kamilla,* repeating the grim words of her deceased sister's husband. At 19, he forcibly kidnapped her sister Kulipa for marriage. “The marriage was a nightmare,” recalls Kamilla, trembling from the memory of her sister's suffering.

The practice of bride kidnapping is widespread in Kyrgyzstan and is still considered by some as a valuable tradition.

PAPUA NEW GUINEA: UN Urges Papua New Guinea to Take Action after Woman Burned Alive for Witchcraft

The United Nations human rights office today urged the Government of Papua New Guinea to take concrete action following reports that a 20-year-old woman accused of sorcery was burnt alive in front of a crowd, noting that this is the latest in a “growing pattern” of such attacks.

LEBANON: Women Play Increasingly Vital Role in Peace Missions

Along the border of Israel and Lebanon, female peacekeepers are playing a vital role in the United Nations unit that patrols the area.

Captain Annie - French soldiers don't use their last names - is examining Gomo, a working security dog from France who lives at a base of the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon.

BURMA: Kachin Shelling Killed 9 Civilians since September: Rights Group

In the past five months nine civilians were killed and fourteen injured in Kachin State as a result of Burmese military artillery fire, a Kachin human rights group alleges. It said army units also torched hundreds of homes and committed acts of sexual violence against local women and girls.
