
UN Security Council Member: 
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Israel: Can Natan Sharansky Fix the Western Wall?

He brought unprecedented attention to the plight of Soviet Jewry. He stood up to the KGB. He survived nine years in Siberia. He served in Israel's fractious government.

Now, Natan Sharansky is facing his next challenge: finding a solution to the growing battle over women's prayer restrictions at the Western Wall, Judaism's holiest site.

Lebanon: Stories of Women Behind Bars

In Lebanon's Baabda prison for women, there is no shortage of appalling stories. From false imprisonment to domestic abuse, the women imprisoned share their accounts with Al-Akhbar.

Baabda Prison – It's the lucky prisoners who are assigned to cell number two where Nicole resides and runs the show. The women she selected to share her cell and keep her company appreciate how privileged they are.

Israel: Likud: Habayit Hayehudi Works Against Women

The Likud-Beytenu list changes tactics • Instead of attacking Habayit Hayehudi leader Naftali Bennett, it goes after other candidates on his list, saying they are extremists or chauvinists, and that one called for abolishing the Committee on the Status of Women • Habayit Hayehudi: ”We have three women in the top 12 spots. The Likud has only one.”

Kurdistan: Women's Rights Activists Endure Death Threats, Attacks

Violence against women remains a reality in the Kurdistan Region, but another scourge remains less well known: Threats of violence -- and murder -- against women's rights activists.

ISRAEL: Hareid Parties: Women's 'Role' Not in the Knesset

The Knesset Election Committee will discuss the possibility of disqualifying Hareidi parties because they have no women on their lists

SRI LANKA: State Terrorism Against Tamil Women

The sexual violence of the Sri Lankan military against Tamil women is fully tolerated by Political leadership and those heading the defense. The Sinhala Buddhists should be rendered sensitive to the sexual violence practiced by the all Sinhala military.

INDIA: Delhi Gang-Rape Underscores Rising Sexual Violence Against Indian Women

A horrific gang rape of a young woman on a bus in India on Sunday underscores the rising tide of sexual violence females face in the country, particularly in the capital of Delhi.

SRI LANKA : Every 90 Seconds a Woman Subjected to Sexual Violence

At least 450 thousand women farmers earn less than 2 euros a day and almost 200 thousand migrant workers suffer abuse, violence and torture. In the north affected by the civil war, 46% of mothers suffer from malnutrition and children under 5 years are underweight. Women are 53% of the population of Sri Lanka.

IRAQ: Female Suicide Bombers 'Weapon of Choice' for Al-Qaida, Expert Says

Women have been involved in terrorist activities for more than 100 years, but from 2007 to 2008 there was an 800 percent increase in female suicide bombers in Iraq alone, terrorism expert Mia Bloom told the World Affairs Council of the Florida Palm Beaches last week.

ISRAEL: Women of the Wall Pray for Equality

Jewish women endure arrests, heckling and legal battles in struggle to attain what they consider their inalienable right – to pray and worship at Western Wall like men do
